Mama Mhoon

A Normal Mom from Colorado

Time for Writing

I went to Colorado State University and majored in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I mostly wrote poetry, but one of my favorite classes was Creative Non-Fiction. I used to write all the time. I always had notebooks that I could pull out in a moment’s notice and just write. I’m not sure how they drizzled out of my life, but they did. I find that I usually still carry a notebook with me, but I rarely stop to write. And by rarely, I mean never. Never ever.

This blog is really part of a bigger project to get me writing again. Every day. I know it is a lot like training for anything; you have to keep practicing. Now that I have S and E, I find it even more difficult to find the time to run, swim, read a book, or go to the bathroom by myself, let alone write! As I write this now, S is running around yelling E’s name while he is standing, grabbing onto my knees, trying desperately to get up the courage to take steps on his own. I am curious how a kid with no fear has so much self-doubt. I am sure that will unfold in the years to come…

If I can find the time to write, just a little everyday, maybe I can retrain my brain to start thinking like a writer and more can come, like a novel. Or a novella. Either way.

My Third 5K

Today I ran my third 5K.

My time was not stellar, 39:01, but was a PR. I am a swimmer. I serious swimmer. I swam competitively from the age of 6 through my senior year of high school. After 13 years, I was burnt out and decided not to pursue the sport in college. I needed a break. After many years (following the birth of S), I got back in the pool. I found the joy that had felt for most of my competitive days. After a few months, my husband got me a waterproof iPod Shuffle and headphones (from WaterFi) to wear when swimming. They are nothing short of amazing!

How does swimming relate to running? It’s hard for me to get to the pool. I swim for about an hour and so I need someone to stay with the kids while I go. Obviously, week days are best to avoid the crowds. There’s my problem. Thanks to Nana (my mom), I am able to get to the pool once a week. Once week doesn’t cut it when you are trying to lose the weight acquired from birthing two children.

Enter running.

I got a treadmill so I could run at home while S and E were napping. It fits the bill perfectly, even if I hate it. To keep myself motivated, I try to do a few 5Ks a year. Strides for Epilepsy was a great way to do something for my niece and get moving.

Each 5K I tend to drop 2 minutes. That keeps my competitive nature satiated. If I can compete, even against myself, I can keep going. I keep searching for the same joy I feel swimming in running. So far it alludes me. When do you finally feel that “runner’s high”?

Who I am…

Hi, and welcome to my blog. This is the first blog I have ever written or even participated in. I am not 100% sure what the impetus was to start this, other than I have learned so much over the past few years raising two decent human beings and that knowledge needed an outlet. Even if I am the only one who ever reads this. Besides that: a) I have entertaining stories to share about kids and life; b) I have some pretty amazing parent-fails that I hope will make others feel better about their parenting; and, c) I am a writer deep down and need to start practicing that every day. This will hold my feet to the fire as it were.

Ok, the name. I am not some crazy, hippie, earth mother who howls at the moon every month. My middle name is actually Mhoon, and I am a mama.

When I was in high school, I had a friend who started calling my mom Mama Mhoon and my siblings the Mhoonlets. I have stolen Mama Mhoon for myself and reissued the Mhoonlets to my two children (Murph, I hope you don’t mind!). I will also refer to my kids as S (my daughter, currently 3 1/2) and E (my son, 1).

Back to not being crazy, hippie, earth mother. There is a place in our world for those mothers. There is a place in the world for ALL mothers! That doesn’t mean I won’t roll my eyes at the things they do… I was pregnant with S at the same time as a good friend of my sister’s. Because we were suffering through pregnancy together, we invited one another to our baby showers. She wanted to know what to get me and asked my sister what kind of a mom I was. Ok, let’s be honest, I was huge (my kids were both over 9 lbs at birth), but I didn’t feel like a mom yet. More than that, I had no idea what kind of a mom I was. A good one, I hope? I asked my sister to clarify and she said that her friend described herself as a hip, urban mom. I responded with, “I’m a normal mom.” And, I have felt that way ever since. I guess that question is really what started me as a mom.

As a self describe “normal mom”, I work hard to make my life easy and fun. I use products that are convenient. I buy clothes that are easy. I use disposable diapers. I breastfed for as long as could, and then I stopped (first time with a lot of guilt, second time not so much). I bribe with chocolate and ice cream. Some days I do it right. Some days I succeed as a parent!

If you have made it this far, I hope you enjoy my writings. Thanks for visiting.

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